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Laboratoire de Zoologie
(Prof. P. Rasmont)
contact: P. Rasmont
Université de Mons
Avenue du Champ de Mars, 6
B-7000 Mons

Unité d'Entomologie fonctionnelle
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(Prof. E. Haubruge)
contact: F. Francis
Gembloux Agro Bio Tech
Passage des Déportés, 2
B-5030 Gembloux
author(s) : Pauly A.
Geographic zone: Palaearctic

Trilia Vachal 1900

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Show only this taxa Trilia deserticola Popov 1957
Trilia deserticola Popov, 1957 : 921, fig. 2. ♂, ♀.
Lectotype (designated by Astafurova): ♂, Turkmenistan: “Repetek Station, Transcaspian Region [the name used from the second half of the 19th century until 1924 for the section of Russian Empire (and, for a few years,
early Soviet Russia—Transl.], 13.IV.1913, Golbek,” “Trilia deserticola sp. n., Typ. ♂, V. Popov, 1954” (handwritten by Popov), “Lectotypus Trilia deserticola
Pop., design. Pesenko” ZIN.

Litterature: Warncke, 1979 : 118; Ebmer, 1984 : Abb. 263; 2008 : 604. Astafurova 2010: 761.

Distribution. Turkmenistan.
Trilia deserticola
Main sources : Pauly A.
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Show only this taxa Trilia kerzhneri Pesenko & Astafurova 2006
Trilia kerzhneri Pesenko et Astafurova, 2006 : 322 (key), 325 (key), 340, figs 12, 13, 17, 33, 40, 66, 85, 100, 115, 116. ♂, ♀. Holotype: ♂, Mongolia: Ömnögovi
Aimak, Bordzon-Gobi, 80 km SSE of Nomgon, 5–8.VIII.1967 (Kerzhner); ZIN.

Litterature: Pesenko, Astafurova, 2007 : 815; Ebmer, 2008 : 604, Abb. 100–104 (“T. kershneri”); Astafurova 2010: 762.

Distribution: Distribution. Mongolia (Bayan-Hongor and Ömnögovi aimaks).
Trilia kerzhneri
Main sources : Pauly A.
Last update : 26/02/2011
Show only this taxa Trilia montana Popov 1957
Trilia montana Popov, 1957 : 923, fig. 3. ♂. Holotype: ♂, Tajikistan: Peter the Great Range, Zakh-Bursi Pass, 4.VII.1913 (Golbek); ZIN.

= Rophites (Trilia) deserticolus ssp. tadshicus Warncke, 1979 : 118 (unjustified replacing name for T. montana Popov, 1957, preoccupied in the genus

Litterature: Astafurova 2010: 762.

Distribution. Tajikistan (known only from holotype).

Remark: there are three names in these two genera that create an awkward homonymy problem: Halictoides montanus Morawitz 1889 (now in Dufourea, as a synonym of clavicrus), Trilia montana Popov 1957 (originally in Dufourea since Vachal's Trilia was a subgenus, moved out presumably by Popov since he seems to have used Trilia as a genus, but later placed back there again by Michener), and Rophites algirus montanus Ebmer 1978. While it seems possible that Ebmer'sname *may* never have been placed in the same genus as Morawitz', and Popov's *may* never have been in the same genus as Ebmer's (these possibilities might need to bechecked and ruled out), Popov's name is clearly a homonym that MUST be given a replacement, since there are authors who do not treat Trilia as a separate genus (see Art. 59 - but note that 59.2 does not apply). For authors who insist thatTrilia is a genus, they are allowed to use Popov'sname (under 59.4), but it cannot be used in Dufourea, as it is a homonym there of Morawitz' name. [Doug Yanega, communic. pers.]
Trilia montana
Main sources : Pauly A.
Last update : 26/02/2011
Show only this taxa Trilia muoti (Vachal 1900)
Dufourea (Trilia) muoti Vachal, 1900 : 534. ♂, ♀. Lectotype (designated: Ebmer, 2008 : 605): ♀, Algeria: Ghardaia; MNHN.

Litterature: Warncke, 1979 : 118, Abb. 7–11 (Rophites); Ebmer, 2008: 605, Abb. 86–99; Astafurova 2010: 762.

Distribution: Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt.
Trilia muoti
Main sources : Pauly A.
Last update : 26/02/2011
Show only this taxa Trilia sola Astafurova 2010
Trilia sola Astafurova, 210: 762. Holotype: ♀, Kazakhstan: Ak-tam, Malye
Barsuki, vegetable garden, 3.VI.1931 (Luppova) (ZIN).

Distribution: Kazakhstan.
Trilia sola
Main sources : Pauly A.
Last update : 26/02/2011


 Astafurova Yu. V.. 2010. A Review of the Genus Trilia Vachal (Hymenoptera Halictidae Rophitinae). Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 2010, Vol. 89, No. 2, pp. 454–458. Entomological Review, 2010, Vol. 90, No. 6, pp. 760–763.