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Laboratoire de Zoologie
(Prof. P. Rasmont)
contact: P. Rasmont
Université de Mons
Avenue du Champ de Mars, 6
B-7000 Mons

Unité d'Entomologie fonctionnelle
et évolutive

(Prof. E. Haubruge)
contact: F. Francis
Gembloux Agro Bio Tech
Passage des Déportés, 2
B-5030 Gembloux
author(s) : Pauly A.
Geographic zone: Africa


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Show only this taxa Eucara boharti Eardley 1989
Tetralonia boharti (Eardley)
Kenya, Tanzania.

Eucara boharti Eardley, 1989: 2–8, 10, male holotype (BLCU) Tanzania.
Show only this taxa Eucara caudata (Friese 1905)
Tetralonia caudata (Friese)
Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Tanzania, Zimbabwe.

Tetralonia caudata Friese, 1905d: 20–23, female lectotype [designated by Eardley, 1989] (ZMHB) Tanzania; Friese 1909a: 256–257; Friese 1909b: 164; Meade-Waldo 1914b: 400; Rasmussen and Ascher 2008: 36.
Eucara caudata (Friese): Eardley 1989: 2–4, 8–11.
Tetralonia (Eucara) caudata (Friese): Michener 2000: 715 [by implication].
Anthophora (Eucara) piligera Friese, 1905f: 241, female holotype (ZMHB) Kenya; Friese 1909a: 262, 265, 282; Friese 1909b: 140, 145, 165; Eardley 1989: 8, syn.; Rasmussen and Ascher 2008: 86.
Eucara piligera Friese: Cockerell 1933n: 363.
Show only this taxa Eucara macrognatha (Gerstaecker 1870)
Tetralonia macrognatha (Gerstaecker)
Angola, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
On flowers of: Gossypium sp., Hibiscus esculentus, Hibiscus sp., Pavonia sp., Taraxacum sp.

Eucera (Tetralonia) macrognatha Gerstaecker, 1870: 349–350, male holotype (ZMHB) Kenya; Stadelmann 1898: 24.
Eucera macrognatha Gerstaecker: Dalla Torre 1896: 239.
Anthophora (Eucara) macrognatha (Gerstaecker): Friese 1909a: 283.
Tetralonia macrognatha (Gerstaecker): Friese 1909b: 164; Arnold 1947: 212.
Tetralonia (Eucara) macrognatha (Gerstaecker): Alfken 1932: 53; Michener 2000: 715 [by implication].
Eucara (Tetralonia) macrognatha (Gerstaecker): Cockerell 1933n: 362, 364.
Eucara macrognatha (Gerstaecker): Cockerell 1933d: 456; Cockerell 1936l: 483; Cockerell 1938b: 370; Eardley 1989:
4–7, 10.
Anthophora (Eucara) laticeps Friese, 1905f: 241, male holotype (ZMHB) 'Massailand' [Kenya or Tanzania]; Friese
1909a: 262, 265, 282; Friese 1909b: 140, 144, 165; Friese 1915: 288; Cockerell 1933d: 456; Cockerell 1933g:
136; Cockerell 1933n: 363–364; Cockerell 1937i: 11; Sandhouse 1943: 549; Eardley 1989: 4, 7, syn.; Rasmussen
and Ascher 2008: 63.
Anthophora (Eucara) haefligeri Friese, 1905f: 242, female holotype (ZMHB) Tanzania; Friese 1909a: 262, 283; Friese
1909b: 140–164; Rasmussen and Ascher 2008: 56.
Eucara haefligeri (Friese): Friese 1911a: 666–667; Cockerell 1937f: 280, syn. laticeps; Eardley 1989: 4, syn.
Macrocera neavei Vachal, 1910b: 325, female holotype (RMCA) Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Tetralonia neavei (Vachal): Meade-Waldo 1914b: 400; Eardley 1989: 4, 7, syn.
Eucara neavei (Vachal): Cockerell 1933n: 364, syn. Tetralonia laticeps.
Tetralonia sheffieldi Meade-Waldo, 1914b: 400–401, female holotype (BMNH) Malawi; Cockerell 1916a: 210;
Cockerell 1930b: 342.
Eucara sheffieldi (Meade-Waldo): Cockerell 1933d: 456, syn.; Cockerell 1938b: 370.
Tetralonia sheffieldi var. ferrugineipes Meade-Waldo, 1914b: 401–402, female holotype (BMNH) Uganda; Eardley
1989: 4, 7, syn.
Eucara macrognatha ferrugineipes (Meade-Waldo): Cockerell 1933n: 362, 364.
Tetralonia sheffieldi umbiloensis Cockerell, 1917b: 40, female holotype (lost) South Africa; Cockerell 1933n: 363, syn.
Eucara straminea Cockerell, 1933g: 136, female holotype (BMNH) South Africa; Eardley 1989: 4, 7, syn.
Eucara macrognatha
Main sources : pauly A.
Last update : 22/1/2011
auteur(s) :
Show only this taxa Eucara mesotes Eardley 1989
Tetralonia mesotes (Eardley)

Eucara mesotes Eardley, 1989: 2–4, 13–15, male holotype (MCZC) Kenya.
Tetralonia mesotes (Eardley): Eardley and Urban 2006: 162.
Show only this taxa Eucara paulyi Eardley 1989
Tetralonia paulyi (Eardley)
Burkina Faso.
Flowers of Hygrophila senegalensis.

Eucara paulyi Eardley, 1989: 2–4, 8–9, male holotype (PCGB) Burkina Faso.
Tetralonia paulyi (Eardley): Eardley and Urban 2006: 162.
Eucara paulyi
Main sources : Pauly A.
Last update : 22/1/2011
auteur(s) :
Show only this taxa Eucara ruficollis (Friese 1911)
Tetralonia ruficollis (Friese)
Lesotho, South Africa.

Eucara ruficollis Friese, 1911a: 667, male lectotype [designated by Eardley, 1989] (SAMC) South Africa; Cockerell 1933k: 136; Cockerell 1933n: 362, 364; Friese 1941: 101; Eardley 1989: 2–4, 12–14; Rasmussen and Ascher 2008: 92.
auteur(s) :


Eardley C.D.. 1989. The Afrotropical species of Eucara Friese, Tetralonia Spinola and Tetraloniella Ashmead (Hymenoptera Anthophoridae). Republic of South Africa, , Department of Agriculture and Water Supply, Entomology Memoir n°75, 62pp.

Ela M.A., Tchuenguem Fohuo F.-N. & Messi J.. 2012. The importance of single floral visit of Eucara macrognatha and Tetralonia fratera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in the pollination of the yields of Abelmoschus esculentus in Maroua, Cameroon. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 7 (18): 2853-2857.