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Laboratoire de Zoologie
(Prof. P. Rasmont)
contact: P. Rasmont
Université de Mons
Avenue du Champ de Mars, 6
B-7000 Mons

Unité d'Entomologie fonctionnelle
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(Prof. E. Haubruge)
contact: F. Francis
Gembloux Agro Bio Tech
Passage des Déportés, 2
B-5030 Gembloux
author(s) : Denis Michez


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Show only this taxa Afrodasypoda plumipes (Friese 1900)
We describe below the previously unknown male of Afrodasypoda plumipes. Afrodasypoda plumipes was only known from one female specimen (Michener, 2007). This enigmatic species was previously included in the Afrodasypodaini (monobasic) and Promelittini (with the genus Promelitta), both Dasypodainae.

Material examined. 1 male/1female, South Africa, Richtersveld [28.18°S 16.58°S], 09.IX.1986, leg. Struck, collection of Iziko South African Museum (Cape Town, South Africa). 1 male, South Africa, Richtersveld, Foot of Hells Kloof, 10.IX.1974, leg. R.H. Watmough, collection of Plant Protection Research Institute (Pretoria, South Africa).

Description. Body length=11.9mm (n=2). Head. Integument: black except clypeus with yellow maculation and mandible with red apex. Glossa pointed. Labial palpus with four sub-equal segments. Outer surface of galea punctate. Maxillary palpus with six segments, the first with long setae. Mandible with one pre-apical tooth. Labrum flat and smooth. Malar area short. Clypeus, face and vertex flat, densely punctate (punctures contiguous), smooth between punctures. Compound eyes parallel. Antenna with 13 segments (AT), AT3 as long as AT3+4, AT4-13 ventrally inflated. Vestiture: Clypeus, face, vertex and genal area with sparse, short, erect, white setae. Mesosoma. Integument: black. Pronotum, scutum, scutellum and metanotum densely punctate (punctures nearly contiguous), cuticle smooth between punctures. Propodeum smooth, anterior and posterior part in one gradually sloping plane. Vestiture: whitish short erected setae. legs. Integument: fore-leg reddish. Mid- and hind-legs black. Legs without tooth or spine. Hind-femur with keirotrichia. Vestiture: whitish short apressed setae. Wings. Hyaline. Two submarginal cells, the first as long as the second. Stigma shorter than the first submarginal cell. Jugal lobe about half as long as vannal lobe. Metasoma. Integument: black. Terga 2-5 with basal depression. Disc of terga and sterna densely punctate (punctures nearly contiguous), smooth between punctures. Stenum 6 apically bifid. Sterna with long latero-apical processes. Apical column of sternum 8 without carina. Gonostylus simple, articulated to gonocoxite, apically truncated. Vestiture: Terga with basal band of whitish setae. Disc of terga with black erected setae. Marginal zone of terga hairless. Disc of sterna with sparse apical setae.
Distribution d'Afrodasypoda plumipes
Main sources : Michez & Eardley
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 Engel, M. S.. 2005. Family-Group Names for Bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea). American Museum novitates, 3476: 33 pp.
 Michener C.D.. 2007. The Bees of the World. Second edition. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 953 p.
 Michener, C.D.. 1981. Classification of the bee family Melittidae with a review of species of Meganomiinae. Contribution of the American Entomological Institute, 18, 1-135.

Michez D, Patiny S & Danforth B.. 2009. Phylogeny of the bee family Melittidae (Hymenoptera: Anthophila) based on combined molecular and morphological data. Systematic Entomology, 34 (3):574-597.
see also:http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-3113.2009.00479.x