Lasioglossum (Evylaeus) epipygiale
(Blüthgen 1924)
ssp. epipygiale (Blüthgen 1924) {SW Asie; Caucase, Turquie, Israel, Iran} {Ebmer 1995: 549 (gp. caréné)}
ssp. quettense (Blüthgen 1929) {Afghanistan, Pakistan} {Ebmer 1995 : 551 (comb.)}
ssp. ? bentoni (Cockerell 1919) {Iran} {Ebmer 1978: 47; 1995: 551 (comb.?)}
ssp. massuriense (Blüthgen 1926) {Ebmer 1978 : 47} {Distribution: sous-région népalaise; N.Inde, Népal, Pakistan} {Ebmer 1995 : 532 (comb.)}
= Halictus malachuropsis Blüthgen 1931
Remarq: If the identity of bentoni is confirmed, this name has priority on epipygiale (see Ebmer 1995: 551 for comments).