C. rhodostoma

Cockerell 1932

Taxon referenced in page Mellittidae - Capicola
Author(s) : Denis Michez
Female/male. Head as wide as long. Labial palpus longer than glossa, as long as maxillary palpus and galea. Outer surface of galea sculptured and mat. Clypeus glabrous, about twice as wide as long, without medio-longitudinal groove. Mesoscutum finely punctate. Propodeal triangle finely rugose, shiny behind; remainder of propodeum shiny.
Female. L=8.4mm. Integument of lower part of head, head appendages and legs reddish, upper part of head, mesosoma and metasoma black; Compound eyes parallel. Mesoscutum and scutellum with short, appressed, white hairs. T1-T3 black and mat. T1 with continuous white apical fringes, as wide as apical fringes on T2-T4. Spurs of Tb2 with 4-6 large, outstanding spines. Prepygidial fimbria white to very pale brown. Pp with a pair of median, subparallel carinae, areas between and lateral to carinae concave.
Male. L=6.5mm. Integument of clypeus, labrum, mandible and antenna reddish to yellow, mesosomal dorsum, dorso-lateral region of propodeum, all legs and T1 reddish-orange. Remainder of integument black or reddish-black. Clypeus, scutum and scutellum shiny, weakly and densely punctate (i=d). A5 as wide as long. Legs not modified. S6 with short, narrow medio-apical spiny processes. Apex of S7 weakly concave, with small lobes. S8 with apical plate sub-triangular. S8 and genitalia as illustrated in Figs.



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