
author(s) : Sébastien Patiny
Sébastien Patiny

Atlas of the European Bees: genus Avpanurgus

First on line 1.III.2012

This page is constructed in the framework of the STEP project
Status and Trends of European Pollinators
Coordinator: Simon Geoffrey Potts, University of Reading

STEP Partners to Objective 1 (Document the status and trends of pollinators, map distributions):
University of Mons (Prof. Pierre Rasmont; Denis Michez; Stephanie Iserbyt; Yvan Barbier)
University of Reading (Stuart Roberts)

For this first 1.III.2012 PROVISIONAL VERSION, ...

Sébastien Patiny

Patiny S. 2012. Atlas of the European Bees: genus Avpanurgus. STEP Project, Atlas Hymenoptera, Mons, Gembloux. http://www.zoologie.umh.ac.be//hymenoptera/page.aspx?ID=229

Avpanurgus Warncke, 1972

European bees
Avpanurgus flavofasciatus (Warncke, 1972)
Sébastien Patiny 1.III.2012